(Alexandria, 370 – Alexandria, 8 March 415) Greek neoplatonic philosopher, astronomer and mathematician, director of the neoplatonic school in Alexandria.
The daughter of the mathematician and astronomer Theonas, she received a very good education under her father”s tutelage and went to Athens and Italy. She attended classes at the Neoplatonic school of the daughter of Plutarch the Younger and Aslipigenia in Athens, but studied near Jerocles she. Returning to Alexandria, he served there as head of the Platonist school (400), a teacher of philosophy and mathematics, a pole of attraction for the intellectuals of the time, and also made extensive and eloquent comments on the mathematical works of Diophantus and Apollonia. Although Ypatia itself was multi-graph, no artifacts were recorded and we only have reports. Many of his students belonged to the highest circles of the city”s aristocracy and became important figures such as Bishop Kirinis Synesios and the governor of Alexandria Orestis. He seems to have been philosophically influenced by the two neoplatonic Plutinus and Lamblichus.