Thanks to excellent researcher,explorer and author Brien Forester for these insanely good photos which really put into perspective the sheer scope of how big some of these megalithic blocks are and how big they were being cut, just look at the photo with a person walking along the top,the comparison in size is incomprehensible.

Thanks to excellent researcher,explorer and author Brien Forester for these insanely good photos which really put into perspective the sheer scope of how big some of these megalithic blocks are and how big they were being cut, just look at the photo with a person walking along the top,the comparison in size is incomprehensible. Nobody can tell me that they chiseled these cyclopean blocks and nobody can tell me that our ancient ancestors transported them using wooden rollers and pulleys,the notion is just flat out ludicrous.The yangshan quarry in China is the epitome of advanced technology existing throughout the ancient world in this writer’s opinion

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